One of her favorite videos shows a seal lying on the beach, briskly rubbing its head with a flipper. 她最喜欢的一段视频展示了这样的景象:一只海豹躺在沙滩上,轻快地用自己的鳍状肢摩擦着头部。
Flynn is a 4000 pound English elephant seal with a heart of gold and a head of sand. 肥林(Flynn):Flynn是一只重达4000磅的英国海象,他一心想要淘金,脑子里却尽是沙子。
The seal head adopts a conic piston or a ball to meet the need. 根据需要,密封头采用锥形活塞或球体。
Bolted cover plate to protect seal and cylinder from the ingress of debris. a gasket to seal a cylinder head. 一种密封汽缸盖顶的垫圈。
He refused to take Gong's money. Instead, he snatched up his spear and stabbed the seal in the head. 他不收宫凯的钱,相反,他抓起了长矛刺入了海豹的脑袋。
The casing is respectively connected with a water inlet pipe and a water outlet pipe, and the front seal head is respectively equipped with a grape juice inlet and a grape juice outlet. 壳体上分别连接有进水管和出水管,在前封头上分别设置有葡萄榨汁进口和葡萄榨汁出口。
The Declaration Form shall bear the seal of the mission concerned and the signature of the head of the mission or a diplomatic agent authorised by the head of the mission. 《申报单》应当加盖使馆馆印,并由馆长或馆长授权的外交代表签字。
"The Block and head can not be machined flat and smooth enough to provide an adequate seal. Thus, gaskets are used." The joint between the block and the head must be gas-tight so that none of the burning mixture can escape. 机器加工并不能使气缸体和气缸盖平整光滑到严丝密缝,这样就要使用气缸垫。气缸体和气缸盖之间的连接必须密封以便没有燃烧的混合气体泄漏。
The gas mask is characterized in that the gas mask can cover and seal the head and face of an operator without affecting normal operation, so that the operator can not be eroded by harmful substance. 该面罩的特点是能罩住并闭封操作者头部、面部,而且不影响正常操作,使操作者不会受到有害物质的任何侵蚀。
North open water medium-sized blackish-gray seal with large inflatable sac on the head; of Arctic-Atlantic waters. 体型中等、体色黑灰的海豹,头部有可膨胀的大气囊;产于北极大西洋水域。
The Improvement of Seal Steel Ball Press Process for Cylinder Head of Engine 发动机缸盖油道密封钢球压装工艺的改进
Method: Using TS Y-ⅱ type disposable water-tight seal bottle matches with disposable suction pipe, suction head and negative pressure suction implement to recover the pereion blood after being changed the connection method. 方法:利用TSY-Ⅱ型一次性水封瓶配与一次性吸引管、吸引器头和负压吸引器,稍作连接方法上改动,用作回收胸血。
Development of XM-230/ 80 Rotary Seal Head XM-230/80型钻井旋转密封头的研制与试验
It is suggested that comprehensive consideration should be given to sealing and lubricating system involved in production assembly, including the sealing design of oil seal, pressure head design of pressing process, and technological requirement between pressing pieces and pressed pieces. 提出了在生产装配中涉及到密封润滑系统时,应全面考虑油封密封设计、压装压头设计、压入件与被压入件之间技术要求,以便寻找最佳设计方案的解决问题方法。
The hydraulic expansion seal has been adopted under the artesian head of 120 m, which breaks the domestic record of such seal used in submerged radial gate. 在120m承压水头下采用液压伸缩式水封,刷新了潜孔弧形闸门使用该种水封的国内记录。
The Study of Design Calculation of the Radial Reinforced Outer-compressed convex seal head 外压凸形封头的径向加筋及其设计计算
Research of seal equipment of the rotary control head 旋转控制头密封装置研究
In the process of chlorine treatment process of ion-exchange membrane caustic soda project of Zigong Honghe Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., the low-position seal tank of chorine water from chlorine washing unit exhibits damage of plastic welding between the head and the shell for many times. 自贡鸿鹤化工股份有限公司离子膜烧碱工程氯氢处理过程中,氯气洗涤单元氯水低位密封槽多次出现筒体与封头连接处塑料焊接损坏的情况。
Improvement of the seal structure of head cover flange of primary waste heat boiler 第一废热锅炉顶法兰密封结构改进
Damages and Repairing Techniques for the Seal of Top Head of Ammonia Synthesis Tower 氨合成塔大盖密封的损坏与修复
Water lined jacket is an industrial pressure container, the shape of it's seal head has been in use for many years, although it is practically secure, yet there is not an appropriate design standard to solve the problem of it's stress calculation. 水夹套属于Ⅰ类压力容器,其封头形状已延用多年,虽然实践证明封头在使用中安全可靠,但没有相应的设计规范解决封头的应力计算问题。
As the key part of the rotary control head's bearing assembly, the capability of the rotary dynamic seal equipment effects on the using life of the rotary control head. 旋转动密封装置是旋转控制头轴承总成的关键部件,其性能好坏直接影响旋转控制头的使用寿命。
Research on Approximation Development Method Influence on Strength of Oval Seal Head 近似展开方法对椭圆形封头强度影响的研究
Therefore we employ the metbods of stress test and finite element analysis to bring to light the stress distributing law of seal head, and to check it's strength, and to provide basis for the optimal design of water lined jacket. 为此,我们采用应力测试及有限元应力分析的方法,揭示了封头应力分布规律,并进行哟度校核,为今后对水夹套的优化设计提供了依据。
Analyse and design mechanism, seal structure, shape of shovel head and length of tool chamber. 对水下液压冲击铲的机械本体、密封结构、铲头形状、工具腔长度等进行了设计、分析。
Cause analysis of influencing seal of cylinder head 影响发动机气缸盖密封质量的因素分析
Application of Dual Seal with Reversible Seal Head on Rotary Pump with Liquid Piston 可逆式双密封在液环泵上的应用
The Adjustment of Water Pressure in Pump Packing Axial Seal with High Head 高扬程填料密封结构水泵轴封水压力的调节
The seal unit used for well head blowout preventer is representative on-off flexible seal system. 井口防喷密封装置是一个典型的开关柔性密封系统。